v1.2 [Oct 18, 2013]
- Added sphinx.version_info tuple for programmatic checking of the Sphinx version.
- Removed the sphinx.ext.refcounting extension – it is very specific to CPython and has no place in the main distribution.
Bugs fixed
- Restore versionmodified CSS class for versionadded/changed and deprecated directives.
- Fix: html_theme_path=[‘.’] is a trigger of rebuild all documents always (This change keeps the current “theme changes cause a rebuild” feature).
- Fix invalid charset in HTML help generated HTML files for default locale.
- Fix gettext does not extract figure caption and rubric title inside other blocks. Thanks to Michael Schlenker.
- Make sure setup_command test can always import Sphinx. Thanks to Dmitry Shachnev.
- Fix test_linkcode.test_html fails with C locale and Python 3.
- Fix ResourceWarnings with Python 3.2 or later.
- Fix: When autodoc_docstring_signature = True and autoclass_content = 'init' or 'both', __init__ line should be removed from class documentation.
PyBluez is an effort to create python wrappers around system Bluetooth resources
The application is a library of tools for XML that include prcessing technology